Get Involved

Get Involved

There are many ways to get involved with Parlour Players – from acting to making costumes, from directing to serving interval refreshments, from designing the set, sound and lighting to serving behind the bar, from doing make-up to working backstage.


If you enjoy theatre and have ever thought about acting yourself we are always looking for new actors of all ages and experience. If you are interested why not come along to one of our auditions? If you were successful in getting a part you would be fully supported by the director, stage manager and backstage crew.

Backstage crew

Behind every good production is a small army of backstage crew keeping things running smoothly. The crew includes set design and building, wardrobe, props, hair and make-up. Being in the crew is a great way to get involved if you don’t wish to act or want to take a break from acting. You will be supported or you could exercise your own artistic flair, perhaps making/altering/choosing costumes, dressing hair or wigs and transforming the actors through the use of cosmetics. You could be seeking out a Victorian table, a pair of Regency shoes or creating a scar. Perhaps you could be painting the set, hanging wallpaper, building furniture or dressing the set.


Each year we invite directors to direct plays which we think will entertain our audiences. Occasionally a director will suggest a play which particularly interests them. Parlour Players welcomes new ideas and new directors. Why not start by shadowing one of our directors?

Lighting and Sound

Our team of technical wizards enhance all of our productions with clever lighting and wonderfully accurate sound cues. If you would like to learn how they do it so that one day you could join in yourself, we are happy to accept volunteers to learn on the job.


We have a small wardrobe with a wide range of different costumes but often have to supplement them with more complicated costumes hired from larger theatrical costumiers. We have a very experienced and hardworking Wardrobe Mistress who would welcome help and support from interested volunteers.